Automating Release Processes with GitPython: Cloning and Tagging Remote Repositories in Python

Git is a powerful version control system that allows developers to track changes to code over time. It provides a way to collaborate with others, maintain different versions of code, and track issues and bugs. Git has become an essential tool in software development and is used by developers all around the world.

In this blog post, we will explore how to use the GitPython library in Python to clone a remote repository, create a new tag with an incremented release number, and output the tag locally. We will walk through each step of the code and explain what it does.

Cloning a Remote Repository

The first step in our script is to import the GitPython library and the os module:

import git
import os

We then define the URL of the remote repository we want to clone and the name of the branch we want to clone:

BRANCH_NAME = 'release'

Next, we create the directory to clone the repository into if it doesn’t already exist:

if not os.path.exists('repo'):

We then open the local repository using the GitPython library:

repo = git.Repo('repo')

Getting the Last Release Number

The next step is to get the last release number of the repository. We do this by looping through the existing tags and parsing the release number from their names:

last_release = 0
for tag in repo.tags:
        release_number = int(
        if release_number > last_release:
            last_release = release_number
    except ValueError:

If the tag name cannot be parsed as an integer, we simply skip it.

Cloning the Remote Repository

Next, we clone the remote repository using the GitPython library:

clone = git.Repo.clone_from(REPO_URL, 'repo', branch=BRANCH_NAME)

Creating a New Tag

After cloning the repository, we create a new tag with an incremented release number:

new_release = last_release + 1

Outputting the New Tag Locally

Finally, we output the new tag locally:

print(f"New tag created locally: {new_release}")

This will output a message to the console with the new tag number.


In this blog post, we’ve shown you how to use the GitPython library to clone a remote repository, create a new tag with an incremented release number, and output the tag locally. This script can be very useful for automating release processes and tracking releases of a project. By using Python and GitPython, developers can easily integrate version control into their workflow and make collaboration and project management more efficient.

import git
import os

BRANCH_NAME = 'release'

# Create the directory to clone the repo into
if not os.path.exists('repo'):

# Open the repo
repo = git.Repo('repo')

# Get the last release number
last_release = 0
for tag in repo.tags:
        release_number = int(
        if release_number > last_release:
            last_release = release_number
    except ValueError:

# Clone the remote repository
clone = git.Repo.clone_from(REPO_URL, 'repo', branch=BRANCH_NAME)

# Create a new tag with an incremented release number
new_release = last_release + 1

# Output the new tag locally
print(f"New tag created locally: {new_release}")

Resources for learning more about GitPython and using it for version control in Python:

  1. The GitPython documentation:
  2. A tutorial on using GitPython for version control:
  3. A GitHub repository with examples of using GitPython:
  4. The official Git website:
  5. A tutorial on version control with Git:

These resources should provide a solid foundation for using GitPython for version control in your Python projects.