A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Disk Partitions on Linux

If you’re using Linux, you’ll need to manage your disk partitions at some point. fdisk is a command-line tool that allows you to create, delete, and modify disk partitions on Linux. In this post, we’ll explore fdisk in depth and show you how to use it to manage disk partitions.

What is fdisk?

fdisk is a Linux command-line tool that is used to manage disk partitions. It can be used to create, delete, modify, and display disk partitions. fdisk allows you to create different types of partitions, such as primary partitions, extended partitions, and logical partitions.

Using fdisk to manage disk partitions

Before using fdisk, it is important to backup all data on the disk that you intend to modify. Any mistakes made when managing disk partitions can result in data loss or corruption.

To use fdisk to manage disk partitions, follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal on your Linux machine.
  2. Type “fdisk -l” and press Enter. This will list the available partitions on your Linux machine.
  3. Determine which disk you want to modify.
  4. Type “fdisk /dev/[disk name]” and press Enter to start fdisk on the chosen disk.
  5. Use the following commands to manage disk partitions:
  • n: Create a new partition.
  • d: Delete a partition.
  • p: Display the partition table.
  • t: Change the partition type.
  • w: Write changes to the disk and exit.

Creating a new partition with fdisk

To create a new partition using fdisk, follow these steps:

  1. Type “n” and press Enter to create a new partition.
  2. Choose the type of partition you want to create (primary or extended).
  3. Enter the partition number.
  4. Choose the first sector of the partition.
  5. Choose the last sector of the partition.
  6. Press “w” to write the changes to the disk.

Further reading

If you want to learn more about fdisk, or are interested in related topics such as disk partitioning, disk formatting, or disk cloning, we’ve compiled a list of external resources that you might find useful:


fdisk is a powerful command-line tool that allows you to manage disk partitions on Linux. With fdisk, you can create, delete, and modify partitions, as well as display partition information. However, it is important to exercise caution when using fdisk, as mistakes can result in data loss or corruption. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can use fdisk to manage disk partitions on your Linux machine.